20 Reasons Why Your Hair Grows Slowly

Slow hair growth can have various causes. It’s true that genes play a role in determining how fast hair grows, but there are also many other factors that affect hair. Here are some of the most common reasons why hair grows slowly. Some of these can be reversed by proper nutrition and hair care, and others may be conditions that require a doctor’s diagnosis.

1. Skipping conditioner:
Some people skip using conditioner thinking that it will weigh hair down or make it oily. This is not true. Conditioner adds moisture to hair and seals the cuticle, making hair soft and smooth. Instead of skipping conditioner, use a light weight formula that contains extra nutrients. A conditioner with biotin and amino acids is especially beneficial for hair growth.

2. Too much sugar:
Eating too much sugar is not only bad for your health, it’s also bad for your hair. Sugar increases the production of androgen, which is a hormone that can shrink the hair follicle and cause hair growth to slow down. Avoid processed sugars and eat more fruit as a healthy alternative.

3. Lack of biotin:
Biotin is one of the most important vitamins hair needs. A lack of biotin can be one of the most common reasons why hair grows slowly. Biotin is actually a B Vitamin and works best if it’s taken with other B Vitamins.

4. Harsh dyes:
Chemical hair dyes can weaken the hair shaft and cause hair to become dry. Some hair coloring won’t be too damaging, but frequent dying can cause hair to break and appear as if it’s growing slowly.

5. Telogen effluvium:
Like androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium is a condition that affects the hair growth cycle. People who develop telogen effluvium can experience a longer resting stage where the hair follicles stay dormant for a longer time. This delays new hair growth and can lead to hair staying the same length for awhile. A dermatologist can usually diagnose and treat this.

6. Neglecting split ends:
The last thing you may want to do while growing your hair out is trim the ends. But if you neglect trimming off split ends you will eventually see that your hair seems to stop growing. A split end will not repair itself. If it’s not trimmed, the hair will keep splitting further and further up the hair. Keeping split ends trimmed will stop hair from breaking off at the ends.

7. Poor circulation:
Hair follicles receive vitamins and proteins directly from the bloodstream. If you have poor circulation, hair follicles are receiving these nutrients very slowly, if at all. Two ways to improve the circulation of vitamins and proteins is to increase your Niacin intake and exercise regularly.

8. Crash dieting:
Sudden crash dieting can leave the body in shock because it’s suddenly not getting enough of the nutrients it needs to perform various functions. Vital organs are always supplied with vitamins first, and this often leaves hair follicles without any nutrition. It’s better to maintain a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables than suddenly go on a strict diet.

9. Smoking:
Smoking is often one reason why hair grows slowly. Among other health problems, smoking causes blood vessels to restrict and severely slows circulation. This prevents absorbtion of vitamins and nutrients. Cigarettes also contain many harmful chemicals that slowly poison hair follicles and dry out the scalp.

10. Stress:
It’s widely known that sudden and severe stress can cause hair to fall out, but long-term stress can also have an effect on hair growth. Long-term stress is what the majority of people suffer with. This is the type of stress caused by every day problems such as work, bills, and demanding social lives. Long-term stress releases the hormone cortisol, which can alter health in many ways including slowing hair growth. Regular cardio exercise, relaxation techniques, and a solid 8 – 9 hours of sleep a night can help stop the release of cortisol and relieve long-term stress.

11. Heat damage:
Heat can change the structure of hair, and repetitive blasts of heat from styling tools like blow dryers, straighteners, and curling irons can cause lasting damage to the cuticles of hair strands. Always use a heat proctectant spray when using hot styling tools.

12. Hypothyroidism:
Hypothyroidism is a medical condition in which the thyroid does not release enough of the proper hormones. This creates an imbalance in the body, and slow hair growth is among its many symptoms. Hypothyroidism is easily diagnosed and treated by a doctor. (Hypothyroidism: MayoClinic)

13. Medications:
Various medications can have side effects that cause slower growing hair. Some may even cause hair loss. If you think your hair is growing slowly because of a medication, it’s best to talk to your doctor to see if he can prescribe something else.

14. Not drinking enough water
Water helps keep the scalp hydrated, moves nutrients through the bloodstream, and adds elasticity to hair. A dry scalp and dry hair are often signs of dehydration and can be one reason why hair grows slowly. Getting about 64 ounces of water a day can help improve the health of your scalp and hair.

15. Lack of sleep:
Sleep is when the body repairs and rejuvenates itself. It’s also the time when growth hormones are released. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, your body isn’t able to fully rejuvenate its cells and this can cause mood swings, exhaustion, stress, and slow growing hair.

16. Lack of protein:
Since hair is made of protein, it needs protein in order to grow. You can easily get more protein by eating lean meats and fish. Amino acid supplements also help provide you with the building blocks of protein.

17. Not getting enough iron:
A lack of iron can lead to anemia, which is a disorder that causes poor circulation, a low red blood cell count, and even hair loss and slow growing hair. Vitamin B-12 also helps the body absorb iron, so it’s best to take a supplement that contains both of these. (NIH.gov)

18. Washing hair with the wrong shampoo:
Many people are washing their hair with the wrong shampoo and aren’t even aware of it. You don’t need to use the most expensive shampoo – just make sure you get one that will work for your hair. If your hair is dry, use a moisturizing shampoo. If you want your hair to grow faster, use a shampoo with biotin in it. You should also limit use of a clarifying shampoo to about once a week.

19. Not washing hair enough:
Just like using the wrong shampoo, many people also make the mistake of not washing hair enough. Styling products, oil, and dirt can clog hair follicles and cause hair to grow slowly. It’s recommended to shampoo your hair no less than two or three times a week. Use a clarifying shampoo once a week to deep clean the scalp.

20. Androgenetic alopecia:
Androgenetic alopecia is a condition that can shorten the anagen (active growing) stage of the hair growth cycle. This means that hair is growing for a shorter amount of time so it can take awhile to grow long hair. Usually this can be treated by a dermatologist.


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